- Institute for sectoral and regional research is a research and
advisory institution and works, as the name implies, in the field of
economic/non-economic sectors, and regional development. Target groups
are both national as well as regional and local institutions and
economic systems. Special attention is dedicated to sectors and
companies that need restructuring, and also those in the infant stage
(the emerging industries). We operate as a group or network of two
units and are registered in the EU platform of clusters/networks (www.clustercollaboration.eu).
The core unit of the institute is located in the Central Slovenian region (Domžale),
and covers an area of industrial and service sectors, and large
systems/companies. It represents a connection between the business and
the national industrial (including research, environmental and
health-related) policy makers responsible for strategic development
documents (eg. The strategy of smart specialisation). As analytical
institution, cooperation with the ZDS
- Association of employers of Slovenia has been established, so
monitoring of national, macro-regional and EU industrial policy
implementation is our important observatory task. The unit prepares
analytical papers such as sectoral/corporate analysis, strategies,
action plans, feasibility studies, due diligence, turn-around
programmes, etc.
An independent unit operates in the Savinjska region (Mozirje).
It is specialized on cross-border, regional and sub-regional
development programmes, with a focus on non-industrial sectors, and on
the establishment of a supportive environment for the employment of
young people. The unit has an intensive cooperation with the SOU-LJ
- Student organisation of the University of Ljubljana where special
care is dedicated to the segment of the creative and cultural
industries with the central role of tourism. It is also active in the
preservation of natural and cultural heritage content, and also in
national and EU programmes for ecology (new technologies). The unit has
established links with the institutions of knowledge/research in
Slovenia, Austria, Italy (CIRPS)
and Croatia, and enables young intellectuals to develop their business
ideas in domestic environment. It acts as a service institution for
preparing / monitoring / managing of CBC, IPA, COSME, H2020, LIFE,
ERASMUS, HEALTH, etc. projects.
Institute has a slim and flat organization composed of two units.
Research and analysis, related to the sectors and systems are carried
out in the Domžale unit, while regional-advisory content, tied to the
small and medium-sized enterprises, are implemented in Mozirje. Both
units work on the project principle where team include also external
experts and young colleagues (students, post-graduate). Each of the
four thematic groups (sectors, regions, environment, cultural and
creative industries) has a permanent leader and one permanent
collaborator (assistant). We operate in accordance with the PRINCE2 methodology, and use modern IT tools for the preparation and monitoring of the projects
(such as ECAS, Synergie, eMC).